Tällä hetkellä ei säännöllisiä kokouksia. Turussa järjestettäviin hartauksiin liittyen voit olla yhteyksissä Leenaan.

Inga möten i Åbo just nu. Om intresserad av lokala möten i Åbo, vänligen ta kontakt med Leena.

No current regular meetings in Turku at the moment. If interested in local meetings in Turku, please contact Leena.

Yhteyshenkilö / Kontaktperson / Contact:

Leena Lampela, lampelanleena@gmail.com


Helsinki Meetings for Worship start again

Helsinki Meetings for Worship start again

As many of us have received both vaccinations by now and the official restrictions have been removed, we look forward to getting together at the weekly Meetings for Worships. The meeting room has changed. It is now at Kriminaalihuolto’s building at Kinaporinkatu 2E in Sörnäinen, close to Sörnäinen Metro station. Please press the button “Kokoukset” at the entrance to open the door to enter the building for the 2nd floor meeting room. The one-hour meeting begins at 12 am, and there’s coffee and tea afterward. Let’s remember safety first, as always, but we are glad to meet each other again!

Meeting for Worship via Zoom

Hello Friends and friends of Friends!


You are warmly welcome to participate in Meeting for Worship. We meet via Zoom every first and third sunday of the month. The time is 13-14 (EET). You can also join us on the last thursdays of the month. Then the time is 19-20 (EET).





As usual, you can join our Zoom-session about fifteen minutes before the Meeting starts. This would be a good time to check that Zoom and your connection work properly or to just have a small chat with other participants before the silence. There is an opportunity for discussion and sharing after the Meeting also.


You can find the Zoom-link here:


If Zoom asks for a password, it’s: Kveekar1