Elvin’s & Brylie’s Autumn Greetings

Elvin’s & Brylie’s Autumn Greetings

Here is a short epistle regarding my and Elvin’s autumn activities. Yesterday, Elvin and I went to Quaker worship. We arrived early, as I had the key to the meeting from setting up the previous week. Elvin quickly took to helping set up for yesterday’s...

Jane represented FYM in Britain Yearly Meeting

Britain Yearly Meeting 4-7.5. 2018. Held in Friends House, Euston Road, London What an amazing contrast to be in both Finland Yearly Meeting and Britain Yearly Meeting within a week. Our own YM with 17 Friends including Alvin aged 4 and Britain YM with over 1000...

Epistle from Britain Yearly Meeting

Epistle from Britain Yearly Meeting, held at Friends House, London on 4 – 7 May 2018   To Friends around the world: Loving greetings from Britain Yearly Meeting 2018, gathered in glorious sunshine in and around London from 4 to 7 May. We have rejoiced in...

Sanctuary Everywhere 1-3.12.2017

I bring much back with me after an intense time together with over 100 Friends (sprinkled with a few non-Friends) from around Europe. All were concerned and/or working in some connection with the issue of migration and refugees in the world. There was much input; in...