by Ari K | Mar 29, 2019 | Yleinen
During summer, the meeting group in Helsinki gets together every Sunday. The first meeting of each month is in Espoo at Maija & Matti ‘s home and all other meetings at the Peace Station in Pasila.
by Ari K | Oct 22, 2018 | Yleinen
Here is a short epistle regarding my and Elvin’s autumn activities. Yesterday, Elvin and I went to Quaker worship. We arrived early, as I had the key to the meeting from setting up the previous week. Elvin quickly took to helping set up for yesterday’s...
by Ari K | May 14, 2018 | Yleinen
Britain Yearly Meeting 4-7.5. 2018. Held in Friends House, Euston Road, London What an amazing contrast to be in both Finland Yearly Meeting and Britain Yearly Meeting within a week. Our own YM with 17 Friends including Alvin aged 4 and Britain YM with over 1000...
by Ari K | May 14, 2018 | Yleinen
Epistle from Britain Yearly Meeting, held at Friends House, London on 4 – 7 May 2018 To Friends around the world: Loving greetings from Britain Yearly Meeting 2018, gathered in glorious sunshine in and around London from 4 to 7 May. We have rejoiced in...
by Ari K | Jan 26, 2018 | Yleinen
I bring much back with me after an intense time together with over 100 Friends (sprinkled with a few non-Friends) from around Europe. All were concerned and/or working in some connection with the issue of migration and refugees in the world. There was much input; in...