Friends World Committee for Consultation…
. . . invites every Quaker meeting and church from around the world to celebrate World Quaker Day (WQD) on October 1, 2017. The theme, Gathering in Worship Around the Globe, focuses on uniting Friends in different parts of the world and from different traditions in one big virtual worshiping community.
Whatever you do as a worshiping community, we hope you will share this with others through FWCC. It can be very simple — a description, a poem, a short video from a mobile phone, a few photos — we will post them on this web site so that you can see what other churches and meetings were doing on the same day. There are three ways to let us know about your activities: Email items to us, post them to the FWCC World Office Facebook page, or Twitter, hashtag #wqd for posting to the website.
Finland Yearly Meeting organizes a joint Skype meeting for worship 12:30-13:30. The first half an hour is for introductions and share of thoughts, and the half an hour silent worship begins 13:30. The event is called Kveekari Hartaus on Skype.
For more information about Quaker Day and how we have celebrated it previously, please see
Video greetings from Gretchen Castle, General Secretary of FWCC: