Ajatuksia valon teemasta kevään 2018 vuosikokouksesta

Ajatuksia valon teemasta kevään 2018 vuosikokouksesta

“Living in the spirit is like breathing. Spiritual practice is the in-breath while our loving action in the world is the out-breath. One flows from the other…We need to give ourselves permission to breathe in” From Deepening the life of the Spirit by Ginny Wall....
Jane Britannian vuosikokouksessa edustajanamme

Jane Britannian vuosikokouksessa edustajanamme

Britain Yearly Meeting 4-7.5. 2018. Held in Friends House, Euston Road, London What an amazing contrast to be in both Finland Yearly Meeting and Britain Yearly Meeting within a week. Our own YM with 17 Friends including Alvin aged 4 and Britain YM with over 1000...

Britannian vuosikokous 4.-7.5. 2018

To Friends around the world: Loving greetings from Britain Yearly Meeting 2018, gathered in glorious sunshine in and around London from 4 to 7 May. We have rejoiced in the voice and witness of Friends of all ages. Our diversity has been enriched by over 40 Friends and...